Welcome to Dr. Amy Osenbaugh's Atlas Chiropractic & Nutrition
Whether it’s Chiropractic or Nutrition you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered with the best of each. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is a low force, non-“cracking”, specific adjustment using specific angles of misalignment taken from YOUR specific x-rays to align the spine from top to bottom. When the alignment is off, symptoms of neck pain, low back pain, sciatic pain or headaches may eventually develop if they have not already. Misalignments pinch nerves and upper cervical work corrects the whole spine just like dominos shifting down the line.
All of our Nutritional Supplements and oils must pass third party testing to prove that what the label says is in the supplement IS in the supplement without any added fillers, chemicals, or metals. Avoiding soy, gluten, corn and other allergens is also very important to us. We want to be Ankeny's best chiropractor or even Iowa's best chiropractor because we focus on the WHOLE patient to get the patient WELL in all ways!!